Let's be realistic, flight crews are bored with the virtual training they are currently receiving.
While it meets international civil aviation regulations, it's simply not enough. Sometimes, that virtual training is even neglected.
Let's fix this now.
Get instant access now to our platform to preview our content before deciding to work with us. Receive up to 10 administrative credentials for you and your team at no cost.
Our periodic reporting system includes metrics that help measure the overall performance of a group and also the generation of a specific profile for each student. It will be possible to identify students' course attendance times, entry time, exit time, study time, total time in platform, score, module completion status, last activity, registration date, and number of enrolled courses.
Assigned administrators will be able to generate scheduled or customized reports using charts and downloading general course statistics. The overall performance and metrics will also be analyzed by our team to assist in taking necessary actions when needed.
COST: $0.00
Venturi Aerospace's Training Transition Program is a scheme that enables airlines to initiate a cost-free implementation of our innovative flight crew training proposal. This program consists of five stages, all overseen 100% by our staff, providing continuous assistance to the adopting airline. Our platform will be enabled for immediate access by airline personnel with instructor and administrator licenses, along with up to 140 free access licenses for pilots.
At the conclusion of the training, airline staff will have the opportunity to provide feedback to our team to make adjustments and better tailor the product to fit the operational needs of their crews, as well as their SOPs requirements.
If, upon completing the five stages, the company finds our platform suitable for their training, we can start an official training period at the lowest industry training cost.
VenturiPlus (our platform) will be prepared to meet the needs of airlines in terms of courses, slots, and reporting.
Duration: 15 days
The airline representatives will receive the complete license allocations to grant access to their selected teams for both administrative and academic credentials. The airline will receive training, tracking, support, and reporting like any Venturi Aerospace client. The airline will have the opportunity to provide feedback and recommendations, as well as to request additions or customization for Stage 5.
Duration: 3 months
After the trial period, Venturi Aerospace will have a stage to implement changes and adapt the product to meet the airline's requirements, and to apply any necessary modifications. This stage is referred to as the update phase.
Duration: 1 month
Whether the airline finds that VenturiPlus meets their expectations, a Memorandum of Understanding could be signed to reserve a slot on the platform for a specific date. These dates could be set with a maximum lead time of two years, depending on the current training contract status of the airline with Venturi Aerospace’s competitors. Within this MoU, the airline can specify their particular requirements, such as FCOM-based customization, Aircraft-Based customization, or Policy-based customization.
Duration: 8 days
A handover will be conducted two months before the official access date, in accordance with the Venturi Aerospace contract, to allow all personnel to familiarize themselves with the new platform and its functionalities, and to enable administrative personnel to review the customizations.
Duration: 2 months
LT1: Instructors and administrators.
LT2: Students/Pilots
30 LT1
140 LT2
Contact us
Complete the form or drop us an email at enterprise@venturiplus.com. Our team will get back to you promptly.